“Lunch Love…” #GivingTuesday Help Local Kids in Need
A little about me…I took a break from radio last year, and I taught middle school English at one of the roughest schools in Gaston County. Teaching, sadly, wasn’t for me.I loved the kids though and worried about many of them at night. Lots of the kids I taught had absent parents and had rough home environments. Many of the children I taught were only able to eat at school. This made me extremely sad, and it’s something I’ve thought about often over the last year.
Today, I called Gaston County Schools and spoke with the Director of Nutrition, Frank Fields. I wanted to see how I could donate money towards exceeded lunch accounts. The only hot meal some kids get happens at school, and honestly, the last thing a kid needs to think about is if they are gonna be able to eat or not. Now, I understand it’s the parent’s job to pay for their child’s lunch accounts, but sometimes, that can’t happen. After speaking with Frank, I realized there wasn’t a way that numerous people could donate money to help kids pay for lunches. I went to Fundly, and set up an account. All the monies raised will go into an account that the county has, to cover things for students. I picked Gaston County because that’s where I’m from. Feel free to contact the school system in your area! Maybe together we can create a movement to help feed children in North Carolina.