Amazon Has Just Started Selling Shipping Container Tiny Homes in Charlotte
Earlier this year Amazon announced it was entering the real estate market by partnering with Coldwell Banker on “Amazon Turnkey” which is essentially a service that helps you buy a house, and you get a TON of free amazon products in the process.
Well, Amazon took a bigger step into the real estate market by selling container homes!
A new company called ‘MODS International‘ has just started selling livable shipping containers, their version of a tiny home, that anyone can buy on Amazon.
The brand new tiny homes include a kitchen, small living area, bathroom, and a bedroom that can sleep up to four with bunk beds. They can be customized with added windows and double doors for more light, and a variety of interior and exterior options to customize your space. They even allow the MODS to be customized to include solar power generation.
According to the description, the MODS are built to code, and can also be adjusted for local building rules in regards to plumbing and electricity, powering both the heat and A/C units inside. They also state that setup is fairly simple (even easier than many IKEA items), with MODS being deliverable on a flatbed truck and most hooked up within an hour or so.
Source: Charlotte Stories