This May Be The Worst Way To Make Mac-N-Cheese
Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for NYCWFF
As Easter weekend approaches, I know lots of people are planning on having mac-n-cheese as a side dish. Please, please don’t make your mac-n-cheese this way! This has to be the worst way to make the popular dish. Mac-n-cheese isn’t too hard to make. Although making it this way is giving me major ‘ick’.
I realize times are tough and groceries are expensive. Tonight, I made pasta with a tomato I had, olives, and onions. I added some garlic, Italian seasoning, and some red pepper. I topped it off with a bit of cheese. It’s about all I had in the house and I’m all about getting creative in the kitchen. But using a tub of cheese puffs to make mac-n-cheese just looks nasty.
My friend Lisa shared this recipe video on Facebook, and I had to share with you. Now, I haven’t tried this recipe, so maybe it tastes ok but visually it’s a nightmare! I’d rather use box mac-n-cheese as a side than serve this type of dish.
Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
Grandma Wouldn’t Approve
In the video, a woman takes a TUB of cheese balls and pours about 3/4 of the tub into a large pot of boiling water. As the cheese balls melt in the boiling water, she pours the rest of the tub into the pot, making a weird, orange water. Then she says that the ingredients of the cheese balls are close to what box mac-n-cheese is made from. She’s probably right but just noooooo!
Once all the cheese balls are boiled into a orange, cheesy water, she lets it simmer. Some elbow macaroni was pre-made, so she puts some in a big bowl. The noodles are then covered with the cheesy water, and mixed. Some salt and pepper are added, and that’s it.
Again, I haven’t tried this so it may be tasty! But I’m just not feelin’ it. I have about $30 til next week, so I get going for an inexpensive dish that can serve lots of people or a dish that will make leftovers. Maybe I’m having a hard time with it because I dislike cheese balls. Or maybe it’s just the visual. Either way, I can guarantee you that your grandma won’t approve of this recipe. Especially not here in the South!
Check out the video and let me know what you think. Would you try this? By the way, the video was created by Rebecca JS, Wonder and Raw, and Network Media LLC. I want to make sure I give the proper credits.
5 Creative Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Inspired By Pop Culture
Are you preparing for an Easter egg hunt? Maybe you just want to plan a fun activity of egg decorating with the family? Many people opt for the traditional dying of eggs. However, some people are taking their egg decorating a step further with painted or marbled creations. There are several decorating ideas to choose from. This is especially true when using pop culture as your inspiration, with movies, TV shows, video games, and your favorite celebrities.
No matter your level of expertise, there are plenty of helpful resources, such as printable templates, videos, and color charts, available.
Let’s Decorate Easter Eggs
If you plan on using acrylic paint to decorate your Easter eggs, then you’ll need some supplies. If you’re using hard-boiled eggs, boil the eggs first and leave them to cool. For wooden or plastic eggs, be sure to wash them first and leave them to dry overnight.
Some people choose to hollow out the egg for less of a mess. To hollow it out, use a pin or a nail to pop a hole through the top. Then, add a second hole on the bottom making it bigger than the first hole. Grab a bowl and blow through the egg to remove the yolk. Gently clean the egg under tap water, washing it through the hole. Let it dry.
When it’s time to paint, a trick I often use is resting your egg on a fresh toilet paper roll. To make your colors stand out, paint your egg white first, or skip this completely by purchasing white eggs. While you can use watercolor paint or any paint for that matter, I’ve found that acrylic paints work well on eggs or acrylic paint markers for more detailed decorating.
Once the egg is painted, you can leave it to dry or use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process.
With Easter around the corner, check out some fun pop culture Easter egg decorating ideas below.
Melany Myers is a Gastonia native and has spent most of her life here in North Carolina. Mel has worked in radio for over 20 years, many of which she spent co-hosting morning shows in Charlotte, NC, and Columbia, SC. Mel loves 80’s music, going to concerts, cooking, and eating! She is always writing about random news stories that really make you wonder, “what in the world?!” She also writes about rock music and human-interest content.