A Penny Saved Can Pay Some Bills
What do you do when you see a penny on the ground? Do you pick it up or just keep on walking? It may seem like too much effort to bend down and pick up that little one-cent coin, but some people find ways to make it worth their while.
A friend of mine once told me that his father bought a lakeside cottage in upstate New York with the loose change that he had saved in a barrel. He would simply throw any coins that he had in his pocket at the end of the day into that barrel until it was full. Eventually, it added up to thousands of dollars. Granted, this was back in the ’70s when a barrel full of change went a lot further, but you get the point. By the way, my friend’s family still owns the cottage.
The video below tells a similar story. It’s about a man in Louisiana who saved pennies in five-gallon water bottles over the course of forty-five years. He was able to pay for some expensive and much-needed dental work with those pennies. The best part is how he went about depositing all of those coins into his checking account.