Every House Should Have One Of These Rooms!
My wife and I are finalizing renovation plans for our kitchen and family room. I’m thinking about asking the contractor to add one more thing.
Last Sunday, I was walking down a hall at church that I’ve passed through many times. This time, however, I saw something on a door that I had never noticed before.

Phil Harris/WKQC
It was a small adhesive label. I immediately pulled on the door handle to make sure that it was locked. The label read ‘Drama Storage.’ With the holiday season upon us, it’s best to keep as much drama contained as we can.
Yes, I know that behind that door are probably costumes and sets from plays that kids have put on at the church over the years. But wouldn’t it be great if we could lock up our drama, at least for as much time as we’d need to figure out how to deal with whatever was causing it? Every house should have one of these rooms.

Phil Harris/WKQC