You Can Make This Child’s Christmas With Just A Card
Just a warning, you are going to need some tissues to read this story. There’s an 8 year old boy in Louisiana named Drake Quibodeaux who only wants cards from people for Christmas. Sadly, Drake is fighting the most deadly form of childhood cancer. Drake and his family recently found out that his tumor is growing.
A friend of Drake’s family thought it would be a great idea to bring the young boy some Christmas cheer by having people mail Drake holiday cards. Drake asked for cards for his birthday back in June, and got about 70-80. For Christmas, Drake is hoping to at least double that amount.
I’ve decided we should all help Drake have THE best Christmas ever! It’d a great project if you have children, to have your kids make or send Drake a card. Let’s come together and bring Drake some holiday happiness!
If you’d like to send a card to Drake and his family, his address is: 2412 Hwy 388, Vinton, LA, 70668. Read more on Drake here, and thank you for helping!