We All Just Need A Nap
To paraphrase the late George Michael:
Naps are natural,
naps are good.
Not everybody takes them,
but everybody should.
Did you know that the vast majority of mammals sleep multiple times per day? But not humans. At least not after the age of six anyway. If anyone should be taking naps, it’s adults. We’re the busiest, crankiest, most stressed-out, violent creatures on Earth. And it’s probably because we don’t get enough sleep.

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A new study from Greece indicates that taking a short nap is good for your health. Napping can be just as effective as taking medication or making other lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure. When the study subjects took a midday nap, they averaged a 5.5 point drop in their systolic blood pressure.
There are more benefits. In a prior study of over 23,000 men, those who napped three times a week had a 37% lower risk of dying from heart disease.

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Even very short naps can increase mental acuity and productivity. Past research shows a 10- to 20-minute nap is best for increasing mental sharpness. Any longer and you run the risk of remaining more sluggish when you wake up. And naps shouldn’t be taken too late in the day or it could be more difficult to fall asleep at night.
How much better would life be if we could all take a nap in the middle of the workday? I suspect the world would be a kinder, gentler place if it were run by well-rested people. Perhaps the solution to this problem lies with another George.