Mother Creates Seat Belt Covers To Warn Others About Kid’s Health Issues
This is a spectacular idea! A mom in Australia has created something that can help children, especially in the case of an emergency.
Natalie Bell created seat belt covers to warn others about kid’s particular needs and health issues. The idea was created out of worry for her own daughter, who has cochlear implants. This lets emergency workers know that if her daughter were in an accident, she cannot have an MRI due to the implants.
The seat belt covers can be made for any special needs that the medical team or others will need to know if the parent is unable to tell them, or if the child is unable to tell them. If a child is autistic, the seat belt will let the emergency worker or others be aware of this, and it lets them know the child may struggle or resist while being helped.
These covers can also be attached to book bags or back packs. They can even go on luggage.
Great idea for a child with any medical issue as it could save their life! Natalie’s idea has gone viral, and her business has boomed.
I’m not sure if she ships to the United States, or if anyone does these locally, but you can check out her business site here and find out more on the seat belt covers here.
Kudos to Natalie for coming up with such a brilliant idea to help children!