What To Do When ‘Back To School’ Means An Empty Bedroom
So you’ve just dropped off your child at college. That means you now have a bedroom that will go unoccupied for most of the year.
Sure, your kid might come home for Thanksgiving and winter break, but that’s not a lot of time. No one would blame you for re-purposing their bedroom and putting them on the pull-out couch in the den.
What’s the best use of that extra square footage? Here are some ideas:
1. Meditation Room – That’s exactly what you’ll need every time a tuition bill arrives in the mail. Ommmm…
2. Bed & Breakfast – If you don’t mind having strangers staying with you, that bedroom could help pay the aforementioned tuition bill.
3. Home Office – Gas is almost as expensive as tuition. Will your boss let you work from home a couple of days per week? And what about that novel you’ve been threatening to write since you were in college?
4. eBay Inventory Stockroom – Your child probably left a few things behind when they went off to college. Go ahead, list that mountain bike and lacrosse stick. Besides, you’re the one who paid for them. Technically, they’re yours anyway.
5. Empty Nester Support Center – You miss them. We get it. Well, you’re not alone. Invite other new empty nesters over to talk about it. Tell them to bring beer and wine.

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