Man Makes Mad Cash Live Streaming Himself Sleeping And I Don’t Get It
Sometimes I’ll read stories on the internet and just shake my head. I am so starting to feel like my dad….not getting kids today! A Chinese amateur actor has made serious loot just by sleeping.
Yuansan has been trying to offer his viewers other types of content, but all they seem to want is to watch him sleep. He now turned his newfound fame into some money as well with viewers giving him virtual gifts worth around $11,000 as tips.
$11,000 for sleeping. Are you KIDDING me? I am obviously in the wrong business. I’m not sure which is creepier: this guy live streaming himself sleeping or people actually watching him sleep.
It’s amazing to me how people become “famous” these days. I’m also amazed at what people will pay for! Crazy! Just don’t get it. If you’re into this or ya wanna just check out more details and see the channel, you can do that here.
I’m off to see what off the wall thing I can come up with to make extra money. I mean, if someone wants to watch me sleep and do some serious snoring, I’m in. LOL! Thank you internet for making my head hurt.