When Do You Think You Will Travel Again?
I don’t have a lot of hobbies. No golf. I’ve never gone hunting. I prefer to spend my time and money on travel. My family and I have been fortunate to have taken some great trips across the U.S., Caribbean, and Europe. But when will any of us be able to do that again?
Even if we were allowed to travel now, I’m not sure that I would until I felt confident the coronavirus situation was under control. How about you? What sorts of assurances would you need to hop aboard a plane or cruise ship?
A survey by Upgraded Points finds:
- 20% of Americans say they do not plan to travel again until 2021.
- 14% say they’d feel comfortable traveling in April.
- 13% of 18- to 25-year-olds say they’d feel comfortable traveling in the next two weeks.
Of course, the top reason people don’t want to travel until next year is the risk of contracting the coronavirus (41%). Other reasons include:
- Spreading coronavirus to friends and family (32%)
- Unknowingly spreading the coronavirus to other travelers (17%)
- Don’t have any concerns (10%)
- Getting stuck somewhere due to a quarantine (0.2%)
Back to my question. What factors would make you feel comfortable traveling again? The survey shows:
- 51% would rely on the government or health officials to give the “all clear” to travel.
- 27% would be okay if there were no new coronavirus cases in the destination they were planning to visit.
- 11% say it would be if there were no new cases from where they were departing.
- 7% say if enough time has passed that they feel they need to travel.
- 4% would need to see airplanes return to near or full capacity.

Milos Bicanski/Getty Images