Monroe Community Starts “Hot Meals For Truckers” Fundraiser
Phil and I talked on-air a few weeks ago about the difficulties that truckers are having during the Coronavirus pandemic. They’re having a hard time finding meals, rest areas, and bathrooms due to many closures. Truckers are truly essential, especially right now, as they bring areas food, supplies, and fuel.
This past weekend some folks in Monroe helped out truckers by providing food for drivers. Drivers work long hours and finding a hot meal right now can be difficult. Monroe resident Fred Culbertson has organized the “Hot Meals For Truckers” fundraiser to help provide food for truckers.
“Hot Meals For Truckers” will take place at at a local Monroe Truck Stop click here on Rocky River Road and Hwy 74. The fundraiser is set up so that food, paper plates, ice, drinks, napkins, paper goods, and plastic ware can be purchased to feed truckers. Culbertson says the people helping out to make meals have a truck, trailer, commercial smoker, two commercial tents, and folks willing to spend time providing hot meals to truckers while they are waiting to unload at the hub.
If you are interested in making a donation or would like to find out more details you can click here. If you can’t make a donation right now, please feel free to pass along the link to the GoFundMe page. Any help would be awesome!