Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard ‘Disgusted’ By Murders Of Black Men and Women
Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard was profoundly moved by the emotional press conference held by the family of Jacob Blake yesterday (8/26) who was shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week.
In his Instagram stories late last night, Tyler posted the part of the press coreference when Jacob’s sister spoke writing, “We desperately need change and I’m disgusted by the murders of so many black men and woman with no consequences for the cops who kill other unarmed humans in cold blood.”
Tyler went on to say, “This is not right. Where is the justice for all. I think change will only happen when the white community stands up for the black community and I choose to stand.”
He closed with, “Let’s do what’s right and treat others as we would want to be treated.”
This morning, Hubbard posted a quote to his Instagram, “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are affected.”
“Let’s let that quote sink in. Ben Franklin said this and it could not be more true in 2020. Also, thank you @emmanuelacho for helping me become more educated around racism and the social injustices in our communities. Its real. Let’s let these issues lead to outrage and let outrage lead to love. Praying for justice and healing for our country.”