Start Saving Your Change Now Because Halloween Candy Will Cost More This Fall
Well, this definitely isn’t a treat for most of us! According to Eat This, Not That! Halloween candy is set to be for expensive for 2023. Experts say that a sugar supply strain could lead to high candy costs, affecting production. This will not only hurt those who give out Halloween candy, but those with a sweet tooth!
Candy producers are blaming the sugar shortage on a US agriculture policy that requires 85% of sugar to come from domestic sugar processors. However, farmers are denying that the policy is causing shortages. Many candy producers here in the U.S. are having a hard time keeping up with demand. As we get closer to Halloween, that demand increases.
This sugar shortage will not only affect Halloween, but Christmas too. Kirk Vashaw, president of Ohio-based Spangler Candy, says the company has been struggling to keep up with production in the past year after a decrease in the amount of available sugar from suppliers. He said that they had to refuse candy orders they couldn’t fulfill and ended up producing about 50 million fewer candy canes than usual last year.
There is some good news though. A candy shortage isn’t expected for Halloween or for Christmas, but prices may be higher than in previous years. Experts are saying the prices won’t increase astronomically, but we will see higher prices.
Am I the only one that thought Halloween candy was pricey last year? There aren’t lots of kids that live in my apartment complex, but yearly folks on my hall put out buckets of candy starting a few weeks before Halloween. Adults roll by and snag candy. Last year I bought three big bags of candy, and they went quickly! I may have to scale back this year. I’m one of those ‘buys the good candy’ people. That way, my neighbors can enjoy treats and so can I!
It’s a bit tough to think about Halloween when it’s 100 degrees outside, however you may want to start buying candy now. Stock up! Let’s be honest, kids don’t care if the candy wrapper is Halloween themed, they just want candy!