One U.S. City Has Outlawed Shaving Cream And Silly String On Halloween
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was Halloween. My friends from elementary school and I were trick-or-treating in our Long Island neighborhood. Suddenly, some teenagers appeared and we were pretty sure we would be losing our candy to them. Nope. Instead, we were met with a barrage of shaving cream. A big glob of it even made it through the left eye hole of my ghost costume. For the rest of the night, I had to trick-or-treat with a stingy eyeball. But at least I still had my candy.
Shaving cream and eggs were always a part of Halloween when I was a kid. Later, they were replaced with Silly String and toilet paper, but the goal was the same. Make a big mess that some adult would have to clean up the next morning. Ha ha! But one U.S. city is cracking down on the hijinks this Halloween.
California pranksters may have just gotten shut down. KTLA-TV reports that the city of Beverly Hills has officially outlawed silly string, shaving cream, and hair removal products on Halloween. I didn’t even know kids were playing with Nair these days.
According to Beverly Hills city officials, “The ordinance was passed in order to create a safe, family-friendly environment.” They said in a press release, “When used improperly, the products outlined in the ordinance may cause harm to individuals, property and/or the environment.” The officials went on to state that police have wanted these things banned for years.
The Beverly Hills cops say first-time offenders will just get a talking-to before any citations are handed out. The Halloween ban applies to anyone under the age of 21 and will be in effect for 24 hours beginning October 31st at 6:00 a.m. However, toilet paper and eggs will still be allowed within city limits, so there might still be a mess to clean up on November 1st.
The possession of toilet paper and eggs remain allowed within city limits.
— KTLA (@KTLA) September 20, 2023