What To Eat & Drink To Recover From The Summer Heat
I just got back from visiting a couple of colleges in Alabama with my youngest son. It was a great trip. We saw some new places, met a lot of really nice people, and ate very well. But we also experienced what I call “next-level humidity.” Sweet Maria! I never sweated like that in my life. I left our hotel in Auburn one morning at 7:30 to take a walk around the campus. My shirt was soaked by 8:00 AM.
Of course, we get our share of Alabama-grade discomfort in the Carolinas, too. That kind of heat and humidity can not only make you look unpresentable for a meeting with an academic advisor, but it can sap your energy and necessary nutrients. Luckily, there are a lot of foods and drinks that can help our bodies recover from the sweat-fest.
Drinking water is always the best start. According to The Daily Meal, you also want to look for food with a high water content, lots of potassium, electrolytes, and a little sugar and simple carbs to help jump start your system. I really could have used this list last week:
- Bananas – Eat one before heading outside or after your activity because they’re high in potassium, a mineral that’s essential for muscle function. When your body is low on potassium, muscles will cramp, especially if you’re dehydrated. The Daily Meal also suggests trying banana ice cream.
- Chocolate milk – Athletes may already know that chocolate milk is a good post-workout recovery tool. Chocolate milk has the ideal ratio of simple carbs, sugars and proteins to get into the system fast and replace lost nutrients.
- Coconut water – It hydrates quickly thanks to its electrolytes and potassium, as well as natural simple sugars and carbohydrates. It’s like a sports drink without the colors not found in nature.
- Cucumbers – They’re 95% water and one of the most hydrating veggies out there. Dip them in hummus, slice them in salads or add them to your water to make it even more refreshing.
- Protein – Nuts, eggs, legumes, fish and yogurt are excellent foods to help you recover from your day in the sun. Protein helps repair muscles, especially after vigorous activities like hiking and swimming.
- Spinach – It’s also a great source of potassium, which can be lost through sweating and dehydration.
- Watermelon– This summertime treat is 92% water, high in electrolytes, and has antioxidants as well as vitamin A, which make it great for recovery on a hot day.