Guy Has Mountain Of Gum On His Nightstand And There’s A Picture
WARNING: There’s NSFW language in this video.
Although I haven’t dated in two years, I’ve had my fair share of bad dates and bad boyfriends. I’ve never encountered this though.
TikToker Meelayna Moran asked her followers their worst date stories and folks delivered. However, one story really got people’s attention. A woman claimed her date keeps every piece of chewing gum he’s ever chewed. And not only does he keep it, he has the gum by his bed. The chewed gum is in the shape of a Christmas tree. How festive! UGH!
In this Tik Tok video you can see a picture of the mountain of gum. I gotta say if I saw this I’d have to leave quick. This is nasty! There’s no way I could date a dude like this and I sure as hell couldn’t spend the night beside the mountain of gum.
I have a very good friend, I won’t say her name, who used to take her gum out of her mouth and put it on a napkin or on her plate so that she could chew it again after her meal. And she’d do this at restaurants. Love her but to me this is a gross habit.
Maybe this dude’s mom will see this video, recognize his room, and yell at him. I’ll say this: this dude is gonna be single for a long time if he keeps the “gum tree” in his bedroom.