T-Ball Player Hilariously Owns His Walk-Up Song
If you’ve ever been to a professional, college, or even high school baseball or softball game, you know about walk-up songs. As a batter approaches the plate, a few seconds of music is played. Often it is chosen by the player as his or her signature walk-up song.
Apparently, walk-up music is now a thing at the most junior level of baseball, too. This wasn’t happening when my sons were playing Myers Park Trinity Little League baseball, but I wish it had been because of the strong potential for hilarity, as you’re about to see.
I don’t know whether or not the t-ball player in the video below chose his walk-up song. Either way, the kid owned it. Watch as he brings big league swagger to the plate, and thoroughly entertains the parents in the process. He did hit a fair ball but I hope he wasn’t thrown out at first base. You have to be able to live up to your own hype.