Jeep Rocktober Festival At Dallas Lavender Lane Farm
Even though the color wasn’t my favorite, there are days I really miss my Jeep Wrangler. When I had neck surgery I had to trade it in for a smaller vehicle and one that has a back-up camera. I can only have a small range of motion in my neck, so I needed a car with a camera to help me. That said, I still love Jeeps and if you do too, you gotta hit this local event.
Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2, the ‘2022 Jeep Rocktober Festival’ is happening at Dallas Lavender Lane Farm, in Dallas, N.C. Come check out live music, local vendors, food, and lots of Jeeps. And there will be stuff for the kids too!
It’s a trip what folks do to their Jeeps! I’ve seen some wild ones. When I lived at the beach briefly, I went to a big Jeep rally and it was so cool. SO many Jeeps! I know locally there are lots Jeep Clubs. If you’re in one or know someone that is, they should definitely attend this event.
You can get all the details on the festival here.