Pest Control Technician Finds 700 Pounds Of Acorns Inside Homeowner’s Wall
I recently had my home inspected for termite damage. Fortunately, I don’t have any termites chewing up my house. Nor do I have an acorn infestation…because, apparently, that’s a thing.
According to the Sacramento Bee, a pest control technician in California came across something he’d never seen before — a massive stash of acorns hidden inside the wall of a home. And I do mean massive. Nick Castro of Nick’s Extreme Pest Control estimates about 700 pounds of acorns came spilling out after he cut a 4-inch hole in the wall. There were enough acorns to fill eight large garbage bags, as you can see below.
Castro identified the culprit as an acorn woodpecker that had been secretly hoarding acorns for several years, which is not unusual for that species. He says this particular woodpecker put acorns through the chimney stack after making hundreds of holes in the wood siding surrounding it. Then the bird came through attic ventilation port holes. Acorns were piled up from the lower floor to about 20 feet up into the attic.
The homeowner initially called the pest control company when they noticed little meal worms coming out of their walls. Luckily, we don’t have to worry about acorn woodpeckers here in the Carolinas. They are typically found in California, parts of Arizona and New Mexico, and throughout Central America. But a squirrel could do something like this. Better check your walls!