8 Jobs In North Carolina Jobs That Are Recession Proof
It can hard to decide what career path you want to go down. In fact, I graduated college several years ago and in all honesty, I don’t know what I want to do with my life. So if you are considering options, amid what some economists are predicting as a looming recession then you might want to consider recession proof careers. So what makes certain jobs recession proof? Simply put the demand for them. If it’s something that no matter what people need and will be forced to spend money on. So what types of jobs would that be you ask? Here are several recession proof jobs worth looking into with the economic uncertainty.
A good way to look at this is to think back to who many of the essential workers were during the Covid-19 pandemic. While that doesn’t translate across the board it does give you an idea of some jobs that will always be in demand. Some other ones? Keep reading to see 8 recession proof jobs/career fields. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to this, but always good to be prepared!