Meet Mello, The Cow Who Thinks It’s A Dog
If you haven’t smiled enough this week, then it’s time to meet Mello, a cow who thinks it’s a dog. I know that last part sounds like the title of a children’s picture book, but I swear this is real. And technically, Mello is a steer, but “cow” sounds better in the title.
One of Mello’s humans tells his story in a TikTok video. She says she feels that her dirt bike-riding family accidentally raised Mello as a dog. She has a point. Mello appears to behave a lot like my dog, Daisy. He climbs on furniture, nibbles on anything, and generally just gets into stuff. Before he got too big, Mello even slept in the house!
Mello is never lacking for companionship. In addition to the humans on the farm, there is a menagerie of dogs, cats, and possibly a few other animals. They all seem to get along splendidly. But Mello is most like the dogs. So much so that he even gets the “zoomies.”
Check out the video below. I’m especially impressed by Mello’s ability to run on the farm’s dirt bike track and how gentle he is with his human family’s baby. Maybe this should be a children’s book. Or a movie. Mello does remind me a little of Babe the pig. I can hear the preview now: “Coming soon to theaters: Mello, The Cow Who Thinks It’s A Dog. Rated G.”