Social Media Influencer Is Hoping To Convince Gen Z To Read Newspapers And Magazines
When was the last time you held an actual newspaper in your hand? Do you still get it delivered to your home? If your answers to those questions were, “A long time ago” and “No,” you’re not alone. For many people, newspapers and magazines are a foreign concept. Print media in general has been in decline for years.
It almost as though anything that’s not on a screen has no place in the world anymore. However, some people, including myself, still enjoy reading books and other things that are printed on paper. But I’m 50. I grew up with newspapers and magazines. It’s a different story with Gen Z.
All The News That’s Still Fit To Print
One young social media influencer is trying to get Gen Z interested in “old fashioned” print media. According to Slate, Kelsey Russell is using her status on TikTok to promote media literacy via newspapers and magazines. No, really! As the 23-year-old says in one of her videos (below), “I’m just your media-literate hottie that’s gonna help you decide what print media you want to get invested in,” before showing off a copy of New York magazine.
Kelsey apparently asked her family for a subscription to The New York Times physical edition for her birthday. That got the ball rolling for the Columbia University graduate student. Now other newspapers like The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have hooked her up with subscriptions, too.
Could this work? Will Gen Z suddenly decide to go retro and start getting its news in analog form? It might not be the worst thing, especially from a mental health standpoint. Plus, I still feel like news and information printed on paper is somehow more trustworthy than anything on a screen. Yes, I see the irony of my words being posted online. LOL! What can I say? We live in a complicated world.