You Can Now Get A Dog Collar That Turns Barks Into Curse Words
If you’ve ever wished your dog could talk, this invention may be as close as you can get at the moment. There is now a dog collar that curses every time your dog barks. Yup! I think this may get a lot of folks in trouble!
There’s a company called MSCHF and they are selling these collars for dogs that will bust out a swear word every time your dog barks. They sell for $60 each. No clue what words the collar spits out or how many there are but apparently the collar is very popular.
The company says that at the moment the collars are sold out, but you can sign up for details on when the next shipment will be ready by texting a number listed on the website.
If you’re interested, you can get all the details on the collar here. I’ll warn ya, the video is NSFW! You definitely don’t wanna have this collar on your dog if your family is coming over. Or your pastor!
I may have to get one for Kramer! He has a piercing, loud bark. This collar may make it more festive and less annoying. LOL!