Kid’s Science Project Centered Around If A Cat’s Behind Touches Surfaces
We all remember doing science projects for school but I do not remember a topic like this. There’s a 6th grader from Tennessee that centered his science project around whether or not a cat’s butt touches surfaces in your home.
The student, Kaeden Griffin, did his project on cats and whether or not their butts touch every surface of your home. Yup. And thanks to him, we now know that it depends on the cat’s fur and the surface the cat is sitting on. Kaeden did his research with his two cats and documented all of his findings. The cats used in the experiment are all good.
His mom wrote on her Facebook post about the science project and it went viral. Here’s what Kaeden did: he put non-toxic lipstick on both his cat’s bum-bums, and then they were then given a series of commands (sit, wait, lie down, and jump up.) Both cats have been trained since they were kittens and both know numerous commands. They were compensated with lots of praise, pets, and their favorite treats. The lipstick was then removed with a baby wipe once data was collected.
Lots of research went into Kaden’s hypothesis. Even though the topic is a bit odd, this kid totally followed all the rules of a science experiment. And the most burning question on the internet has now been answered! The conclusion of the study: long-haired cats’ bums do NOT touch any surfaces, short-haired cats’ sometimes do, if the surface is soft like a bed.
Pictures of Kaeden’s project below and you can read more here. At least he came up with an original topic. I like it and I love that his mom has a great sense of humor. It’s obvious where Kaeden gets his humor from.